About This Content NOTE: This campaign requires DCS: A-10C Warthog.Operation Piercing Fury (OPF) is a story driven campaign consisting of you leading a forwarded deployed A-10C Warthog "Hawg" Flight in the Georgian Area of Operations (AO). You will be assigned to and commanded by the Joint Special Operations Command providing direct support to conventional and non-conventional coalition forces in the region against Al-Doran and Special Purpose Islamic Army extremist groups.Your skills will be tested as you execute On-Call Close Air Support (CAS), Combat Search and Rescue, assist in Capture-or-Kill missions, and provide CAS for Air-Assault raids by Special Forces teams throughout the region. The campaign puts you directly into the action with many missions based off real-world scenarios, operations, and tactics.OPF enables you to experience the unique perspective of being in a combat zone based on realistic communications, force protection, forward operation bases, combat outposts, and insight from the campaign creator Ranger79; a United States Air Force combat veteran of Operation Joint Forge, Operation Southern Watch, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Feel the adrenaline rush providing Close Air Support in the AO!Features of "Operation Piercing Fury":15 Action-Packed Story Driven MissionsOver 700+ Custom Voiceovers200+ Pages of Detailed Operations Orders / Supporting Documentation 7aa9394dea Title: A-10C: Operation Piercing Fury CampaignGenre: SimulationDeveloper:Ranger 79 ProductionsPublisher:The Fighter Collection, Eagle Dynamics SARelease Date: 11 Nov, 2016 A-10C: Operation Piercing Fury Campaign Key Serial a-10c operation piercing fury campaign Awesome campaign, in the development team must be some guys from the real business. The audiofiles are like super authentic and give a great feeling for the scenarios. Its just what I always missed in this game. You take part in Convoi Ops, HVT ISR, Kill or Capture missions - you never know whats going to happen next. You will recieve fast reactive talkon's and CAS Briefs - even bombs on coords without being tally, but becareful the transmissions will come via voice and fast!- In the pre mission briefings you recieve the intend of the one and two level ups, nice pictures of the AO, the route, the Targets with sometimes with coords of the Target Area of Intrest.- You recieve restrictions and deconfliction due to ARTY, HELOS or accidents- You will support TIER ONE operators with air actionYou have diffrent fractions like in a real military exercise.If you like flying the A10C and being in the permissive environment it is a MUST HAVE !. I just made it to mission 11 last night and I have to say that this has to be the best campaign for the A-10C. The voice acting is spot on! You really need to be on your toes with this campaign as CAS calls come flying in and you better be ready to write the info down because once its gone... its gone. This really forced me to learn the aircraft and the systems better to get the job done. I understand that several of the last missions are currently broken... I am hoping that they get fixed soon.Will BRRRRRRTTTT again 10\/10. I just made it to mission 11 last night and I have to say that this has to be the best campaign for the A-10C. The voice acting is spot on! You really need to be on your toes with this campaign as CAS calls come flying in and you better be ready to write the info down because once its gone... its gone. This really forced me to learn the aircraft and the systems better to get the job done. I understand that several of the last missions are currently broken... I am hoping that they get fixed soon.Will BRRRRRRTTTT again 10\/10. 10\/10 it was like a movie very good voice acting and scenario i want a second campain from these guys asap plz.. I caught this on sale for $4.99 at this price point I think its worth it. I enjoyed this series until the last two mission kept breaking endlessly. I finally got mission 14 to cooperate after running it 3 times through but mission 15 is completely broken now on 2.5.2. I still recommend it though considering the first 13 missions are fantastic and not a single issue with them. You NEED to have a strong understanding on how to start the hog from the ramp and how to aerial refuel. (If you can't aerial refuel you can always bring extra gas but it makes flying a bit more difficult since you'll be overweight.)The wingmen you get are required in some missions where you have to destroy 40+ vehicles so make sure you can task them correctly. I do hate how sometimes when you send them to refuel they crash into the tanker and making it harder for yourself to land safely.. Very good and intresting missions with excellent voice acting. Have played to mission 4 so far in VR, missions often use smoke or coordinates giving it a more realistic feel and also making it a little easier to follow what is going on in the reduced resolution of a gen 1 VR headset. Highly recommend this to seasoned pilots
A-10C: Operation Piercing Fury Campaign Key Serial
Updated: Mar 23, 2020