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Bank Limit : Advanced Battle Racing Ativador Download [Xforce]


Updated: Mar 23, 2020

About This Game You drift around a corner at 500 mph, activate turbo boost, and blast through the sound barrier. You lock eyes on your opponent, and the lasers mounted on your hood follow your vision. A few crisp bursts and you’re dodging a tumbling mass of fire. No time to marvel--that next corner is coming fast as you race on a track with more twists and loops than a roller coaster. Welcome to hyperspeed combat racing. Welcome to Bank Limit. Many ways to playSupports Oculus, Vive and traditional 2D displays. Uses both Oculus and Vive native libraries to support platform-specific features such as Asynchronous Time Warp. Plug and play with Xbox 360, Xbox One, Vive, Keyboard & Mouse and Steam Controllers. Cross-platform multiplayerPlay with your friends and frenemies. Everyone plays together whether you have a VR headset or not. Take flight at willDisengage from the track, soar over your opponents, and then lock back down to secure victory.Fastest game everWith top speeds ranging from 800 to 10,000 mph, discover what true hyperspeed racing feels like.With 20 Tracks for combat racing, 3 Battle Arenas for deathmatch play, and 9 weapons for destruction, the possibilities for mayhem are endless. Bank Limit: Advanced Battle Racing will be supported post-launch with new content that players will be able to vote on. 7aa9394dea Title: Bank Limit : Advanced Battle RacingGenre: RacingDeveloper:Tastee Beverage Studios, LLCPublisher:Tastee Beverage Studios, LLCRelease Date: 16 Aug, 2016 Bank Limit : Advanced Battle Racing Ativador Download [Xforce] It does not feel like a finish game. I played on the Vive and I was unable to see my hand when driving. No instructions of how to shoot or how the controls works whatsoever. My player camera was completly unaligned with the driver. The race felt boring and unpolished. There was no sound effect when i was shooting my guns and no aim component... For 54 bucks i was expecting a AAA game or close and I got what felt like and alpha version of a B class game.. Would be quite nice for an early access game - if that's what it was.I almost counted the days to Bank Limit's release, having played F-Zero and Extreme G as a kid. So obviously I jumped at the idea to play a magnet racer in VR! The price is a bit high, but I guess as an early adopter you pay a little extra.Positive:It runs silky smooth (max settings on a GTX 1080) and it looks like in the videos and screenshots. The player model feels natural enough. Handling is typical for a magnet racer, so if you played games like that before you know what to expect. Obviously this isn't a game for people who easily get motion sick - it's basically a roller coaster (fortunately I have no problem with that) and that part is definitely fun. The forced camera movements actually manage to simulate G-forces to some degree, which is pretty neat! I bet there are many other great features, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get to them...Negative:Sudden texture errors, with surfaces flickering depending on my head movements.No tutorial, nothing that would explain the inputs. Especially on the Vive controllers. There's a bunch of unsorted tips in the menu called "manual".Gaze-based menu interaction even with Vive controllers. You can move your in-game hands, but they don't really do anything. Confusing....but looking at a menu button and pressing a physical one doesn't always do something, for no apparent reason.Suddenly started some sort of "table racing" game and couldn't get out.The base stations that you usually only see in the SteamVR home are always visible. If it's in your field of view, it stays there. Very annoying.Steering on the Vive controllers is done via touchpad, which feels very inferior to a gamepad. I switched to an xbox one controller almost immediately.While playing my computer suddenly rebooted. Maybe there was a bluescreen, I don't know. I'm ready to blame the Windows 10 anniversary update disaster for this, but I can't be sure.All the light effects (such as shooting lasers, hitting an opponent) look really cheap and look out of place around the fancy track designs.The aiming reticle actually disappears behind other geometry. Some of the time there is no marker for the center of the screen at all, even when some sort of menu is visible which you are supposed to control by aiming with your head.When the screen fades out, you only get some black rectangle pasted in front of you - which isn't quite large enough. So when the screen is "black", parts of the background still shine through from the bottom and top.Sometimes there are really ugly texture filtering artifacts when looking at a surface from a flat angle.The game finally hanged without crashing. The picture stopped in the Vive, the sounds indicated it was still going on, the view on the desktop lagged along weirdly. This is when I finally gave up on it.Needless to say I'm very disappointed and getting a refund. If it was just a bug or two, I would have waited for the next update. But this looks like the game hasn't been tested at all! There's a ton of bugs, the parts that work feel un-polished, and Vive integration is clearly just an afterthought: the Vive controller settings page at the time of this writing basically tells you to go to the developer's website and submit your own ideas on how to implement this. Normally I'd applaud engaging the community - in an early access title, not in a supposedly finished product.I'm going to wait a few months (clearly there is a lot of work to be done) and look at some reviews. Maybe I'll buy it again after it has been fixed (and it's on sale), because it looks very promising. Promising, not done.. It does not feel like a finish game. I played on the Vive and I was unable to see my hand when driving. No instructions of how to shoot or how the controls works whatsoever. My player camera was completly unaligned with the driver. The race felt boring and unpolished. There was no sound effect when i was shooting my guns and no aim component... For 54 bucks i was expecting a AAA game or close and I got what felt like and alpha version of a B class game.. Would be quite nice for an early access game - if that's what it was.I almost counted the days to Bank Limit's release, having played F-Zero and Extreme G as a kid. So obviously I jumped at the idea to play a magnet racer in VR! The price is a bit high, but I guess as an early adopter you pay a little extra.Positive:It runs silky smooth (max settings on a GTX 1080) and it looks like in the videos and screenshots. The player model feels natural enough. Handling is typical for a magnet racer, so if you played games like that before you know what to expect. Obviously this isn't a game for people who easily get motion sick - it's basically a roller coaster (fortunately I have no problem with that) and that part is definitely fun. The forced camera movements actually manage to simulate G-forces to some degree, which is pretty neat! I bet there are many other great features, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get to them...Negative:Sudden texture errors, with surfaces flickering depending on my head movements.No tutorial, nothing that would explain the inputs. Especially on the Vive controllers. There's a bunch of unsorted tips in the menu called "manual".Gaze-based menu interaction even with Vive controllers. You can move your in-game hands, but they don't really do anything. Confusing....but looking at a menu button and pressing a physical one doesn't always do something, for no apparent reason.Suddenly started some sort of "table racing" game and couldn't get out.The base stations that you usually only see in the SteamVR home are always visible. If it's in your field of view, it stays there. Very annoying.Steering on the Vive controllers is done via touchpad, which feels very inferior to a gamepad. I switched to an xbox one controller almost immediately.While playing my computer suddenly rebooted. Maybe there was a bluescreen, I don't know. I'm ready to blame the Windows 10 anniversary update disaster for this, but I can't be sure.All the light effects (such as shooting lasers, hitting an opponent) look really cheap and look out of place around the fancy track designs.The aiming reticle actually disappears behind other geometry. Some of the time there is no marker for the center of the screen at all, even when some sort of menu is visible which you are supposed to control by aiming with your head.When the screen fades out, you only get some black rectangle pasted in front of you - which isn't quite large enough. So when the screen is "black", parts of the background still shine through from the bottom and top.Sometimes there are really ugly texture filtering artifacts when looking at a surface from a flat angle.The game finally hanged without crashing. The picture stopped in the Vive, the sounds indicated it was still going on, the view on the desktop lagged along weirdly. This is when I finally gave up on it.Needless to say I'm very disappointed and getting a refund. If it was just a bug or two, I would have waited for the next update. But this looks like the game hasn't been tested at all! There's a ton of bugs, the parts that work feel un-polished, and Vive integration is clearly just an afterthought: the Vive controller settings page at the time of this writing basically tells you to go to the developer's website and submit your own ideas on how to implement this. Normally I'd applaud engaging the community - in an early access title, not in a supposedly finished product.I'm going to wait a few months (clearly there is a lot of work to be done) and look at some reviews. Maybe I'll buy it again after it has been fixed (and it's on sale), because it looks very promising. Promising, not done.. IF YOU ARE A VIVE USER DO NOT GET THIS GAME---If you are anything else user, MAYBE get this game.--- (Most likely not, though.)The reason I say that is because the option for "trackpad" in this game is terrible. You basically use the Vive controllers for their buttons, and not for the fact that they can detect movement. To give an example, if you use an Xbox controller instead of a Vive controller, you're not losing anything in the slightest. This is absolutely unacceptable in a game worth 50 dollars. The Vive controllers should at least be able to point and click to interact with the menu, or should at least be used to steer the wheels as if you had a pretend steering wheel in your hands. Also, there is no form of tutorial at all, which in a game as fast paced as this is just... I mean, a huge demonstration of sloppy and undevoted dev work. You're stuck a lot of times with things appearing on the HUD, and you have just literally no idea what to do about them in the slightest. For Gaben's sake, this is a 50$ game that isn't even in Early Access, what are you guys thinking? These changes need to be implemented as a first priority, because I quite frankly feel ripped off and like I've been slapped in the face.In a more positive note, the game plays pretty well. It's as if you're playing one of those arcade games you would find in an arcade or at the cinema, only downloaded onto your computer. I would have had a lot more fun with actual Trackpad support implemented, but from what I could tell the game would be a ton of fun for the Oculus with the use of a 360 controller. I don't see it being worth 50$ in terms of sheer value, but it is definitely worth 50$ in terms of basically having an arcade game stashed inside your PC. Another downside though is, yes, the lack of speed. The only reason it's worth complaining about that is because this game boasts being "the fastest game" there is, which is kind of a misleading claim. If you want to get a good example of how fast paced this game is, think of F-Zero; this game is exactly on par with that game in terms of pace. I would have had more hours played, but until the Vive trackpad is properly implemented, I don't want to risk losing my potentiality on a refund if the game never ends up delivering. Fo shame, devs. I see the work you put into this game, but polish your game up before publishing it. Do you want to be compared to EA? Because that's how you get compared to EA.. IF YOU ARE A VIVE USER DO NOT GET THIS GAME---If you are anything else user, MAYBE get this game.--- (Most likely not, though.)The reason I say that is because the option for "trackpad" in this game is terrible. You basically use the Vive controllers for their buttons, and not for the fact that they can detect movement. To give an example, if you use an Xbox controller instead of a Vive controller, you're not losing anything in the slightest. This is absolutely unacceptable in a game worth 50 dollars. The Vive controllers should at least be able to point and click to interact with the menu, or should at least be used to steer the wheels as if you had a pretend steering wheel in your hands. Also, there is no form of tutorial at all, which in a game as fast paced as this is just... I mean, a huge demonstration of sloppy and undevoted dev work. You're stuck a lot of times with things appearing on the HUD, and you have just literally no idea what to do about them in the slightest. For Gaben's sake, this is a 50$ game that isn't even in Early Access, what are you guys thinking? These changes need to be implemented as a first priority, because I quite frankly feel ripped off and like I've been slapped in the face.In a more positive note, the game plays pretty well. It's as if you're playing one of those arcade games you would find in an arcade or at the cinema, only downloaded onto your computer. I would have had a lot more fun with actual Trackpad support implemented, but from what I could tell the game would be a ton of fun for the Oculus with the use of a 360 controller. I don't see it being worth 50$ in terms of sheer value, but it is definitely worth 50$ in terms of basically having an arcade game stashed inside your PC. Another downside though is, yes, the lack of speed. The only reason it's worth complaining about that is because this game boasts being "the fastest game" there is, which is kind of a misleading claim. If you want to get a good example of how fast paced this game is, think of F-Zero; this game is exactly on par with that game in terms of pace. I would have had more hours played, but until the Vive trackpad is properly implemented, I don't want to risk losing my potentiality on a refund if the game never ends up delivering. Fo shame, devs. I see the work you put into this game, but polish your game up before publishing it. Do you want to be compared to EA? Because that's how you get compared to EA.. Like many I was looking forward to this release and bought it day one. What a grade A turd. It feels incomplete, like a bad demo. Control system is completely unintuative, didn't really support the motion sense controller. gameplay is atrocious and I didn't really get any sense of what I was supposed to be doing. I felt completely cheated and got a refund, even now the price has been cut in half it's not worth it. If it were free I still would rather have the free disc space. How anyone can have the cheek to charge so much for such a weak product is beyond belief. AVOID. Like many I was looking forward to this release and bought it day one. What a grade A turd. It feels incomplete, like a bad demo. Control system is completely unintuative, didn't really support the motion sense controller. gameplay is atrocious and I didn't really get any sense of what I was supposed to be doing. I felt completely cheated and got a refund, even now the price has been cut in half it's not worth it. If it were free I still would rather have the free disc space. How anyone can have the cheek to charge so much for such a weak product is beyond belief. AVOID


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